BellSouth email not working: Try these 5 solutions

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Bellsouth email not working

Bellsouth Email is unquestionably one of the top email service providers, featuring all of the newest features and technology. It features a user-friendly interface, which contributes to its growing popularity among users all around the world. Its user base has exploded as a result of its recent collaboration with telecom behemoth AT&T. However, in recent times, a large number of questions have been recorded, whether they are connected to Bellsouth email account login, creation, access, or Bellsouth email not working. We’ll look at a few remedies to such issues here.


Bellsouth email not working


Solutions for fix Bellsouth email not working issue


Solution 1: To create a secure app key, follow the steps below.

Outlook or Apple Mail may deny us access to our Bellsouth emails if we use the same password for both email and the app. A more secure app key or password will solve the problem of Bellsouth emails not working correctly with other email clients. As a result, the following steps should be followed to resolve the issue.

  • Begin by logging into your Bellsouth email account ( using the AT&T email login page. Select the “Sign-in Info” option from your email account’s dashboard.
  • Choose the email account you wish to establish a secure app key for.
  • On the Secure Mail Key page, scroll down to “Manage Secure Mail Key.”
  • In the drop-down menu, select “Add Secure Mail key”.
  • Click the “Generate” or “Create secure mail key” button on the email program you’re using to access your Bellsouth account.
  • Password or key will be shown.
  • This password may be copied from there and pasted into the Add App Password window of your email client’s email program.


Solution 2: Double-check that your account is set up correctly.

A misconfigured Bellsouth email account might be the cause of your inability to access email using Outlook. To fix this, you need to identify the issue and fix it by following the below steps.

There are a few small adjustments you’ll need to make if you already have an account with BellSouth. Follow these procedures to add a BellSouth account to Outlook:

  • Go to File > Add Account in Outlook.
  • Click Next after selecting Manual configuration or other server types.
  • Click Next after selecting POP or IMAP.
  •  Next, you’ll need to enter the server’s information. Use and as the Incoming and Outgoing servers for your POP3 account if you’re using one. After entering your login credentials, click More Settings. In the Advanced tab, set Incoming Server Port Number to 995. It is recommended that the incoming server port be changed to 465. 
  • The changes made should be saved when they are made. The Incoming and Outgoing servers for an IMAP account are (incoming) and SMTP (outgoing) (respectively). The incoming server number is 993, outgoing server number is 465 or 587.

After setting your account, the problem should be addressed, and everything should start working correctly.


Solution 3: Recheck your login credentials

Your Bellsouth email account will not operate if you input incorrect login credentials. Ensure you are using the right login credentials by double-checking your BellSouth email ID and password.

Be sure to type them carefully and accurately to prevent embarrassing errors if this is not possible. ‘Passwords are case-sensitive,’ you should also keep in mind, Please use caution while typing in your Bellsouth email password when using the Caps Lock and Num Lock keys.

At the same time, consider this suggestion: instead of copying and pasting your Bellsouth account login credentials, enter them in manually each time.


You can also check: Bellsouth Email Login Problems – Top 5 Methods To Fix [Solved]


Solution 4: Make sure your antivirus software is up to date.

Virus protection software might be to blame for your Bellsouth emails failing to operate in Outlook. A virus or firewall may be interfering with your email client’s ability to function properly, resulting in this error.

Add Outlook to your firewall or antivirus exclusion list to fix this problem. Consider disabling certain antivirus functions or turning off your antivirus completely if the problem persists.

As a last resort, you might delete your antivirus program completely if disabling it hasn’t helped. To ensure your protection, Windows Defender should be installed on your computer.


Solution 5: Reset Your Internet Connection 

Even a little network issue, on the other hand, might result in Bellsouth email not working. The Internet connection quality and signal strength of the BellSouth email account must be determined before accessing the email account. If not, and you’re having trouble logging in because of a poor or sluggish internet connection, here’s what you should do:

‘Windows Start Menu > Control Panel > All Control Panel Items >Internet Options > Advanced > Reset > OK’ should be used to reset your present network.

So, these are the many workarounds that will assist you in resolving difficulties with your BellSouth email not working. If you want technical assistance, use the Bellsouth email customer service phone number to resolve your email issue.

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